Horseback Riding in the Namib Desert
namibia on horseback

Exploring the Desert on Horseback

I woke at my usual time – long before I needed to do on this specific morning. Having time on my hands I dove into the book of Samuel and started reading about the life of King David. When it was time to get ready to go and explore the Namib Desert on horseback, I got up, showered and prepared for the day ahead. It would be a first to me, in many ways. 

Heading out the moon instantly captured my attention. Here in the Namib Desert, it was HUGE. I grabbed my phone to check… yes, tonight was a full moon and the last super moon of the year. I had to plan something around it. But first, coffee. Sipping on my coffee I found myself in the same position as yesterday. Do I sit down and enjoy my coffee, or do I drink it on the go while taking photos of the landscape while the sun rose?

Time to head out on this beautiful morning. Eric, Myriam and the kids were already at the stables. While everyone got ready, the kids had time to get up close with a tame zebra. Up close I realised how similar to a donkey they were. And pecky! Goodness, I had to keep my camera well out of reach otherwise it would nib at it as well. And then it was time… We headed out slowly across the desert as the sun rose behind us. Because of our pace, I was able to take photos as we hopped along but to be honest, they were not all that great – too much movement and way too less focus on my settings – just staying on the horse were a challenge at times. But… it was fun. And it was absolutely beautiful. 

When we arrived at the designated picnic spot, the table was set and breakfast for kings and queens was awaiting us. There was chill a bit of a chill in the air, but as soon as the wind fell quiet, the heat was up. With tummies filled, we started with our family photos. When we were done, we grabbed one more coffee, saddled our horses and hopped the long road back to the lodge…

Van Niekerk Family | Farm


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